Clay pigeon shooting is an up and coming sport throughout the world. From 1800s up to present day we have seen the increase around the world of our sport. There has been an increase in competitions and shooters taking up the sport. As a result, it is getting harder to manage all the members and keep track of the results for every competition.
We see that scores are currently being tracked by excel spreadsheets and/or posted on social media to let the shooters know about their results. We aim to improve this method by making the solution simple, have a central location for score tracking and to allow shooters to access their scores easily.
We are here to raise the bar in the way score tracking is done and make the service globally available for every clay shooting event. This is why we created the Clay Score Tracker.
To provide our customers with our service we have developed a cloud application that will allow clubs and shooters be connected through the Internet. Shooting grounds, clubs and associations can register with us and use our service from around the world. The service will be available on many different devices such as mobiles, tablets and PC’s.
We have a passionate software development team that are highly skilled, innovative and love the clay shooting sport. Going forward we will use our skills and knowledge to reduce the hassle of administration for any clay shooting event.
Our service will reduce the hassle of administration by allowing users to easily find clay shooters, add them to the clay event and quickly add scores to an online scoreboard.
Each clay shooting event will have a unique link to a scoreboard that can be embedded into a website and/or shared on social media so shooters can view their scores on mobile or desktop devices.
Clay shooters can become a member of the Clay Score Tracker (CST) system for free. By becoming a member, any clay shooting events that you attend that uses our system, we can show all your scores in the one place. Also we will create a CST number which will identify you at any clay competition throughout the world. Keep your profile up to date, show or hide information and keep up to date with scores using our website and mobile app.
For our service contact us with the information below: